About Quan Yuan

Quan Yuan is a 8th semester Berklee College student from Shanghai, China, majoring in GAIMS (Game and Interactive Media Scoring). At the very young age of elementary school, he learnt to play classical piano under the guidance of a teacher from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Later in high school, Quan developed great interest in music genres including electronic music, rock and metal music, as well as orchestral music, which is the point that made him decide to enroll in Berklee for a deeper understanding into music production and composing.

Besides a music lover, Quan is also a video game fan interested in a wide range of video game genres. Coincidently, Berklee had soon established GAIMS major, a major which focused on the realm of video game scoring. Thinking that a GAIMS major could bring both his interests together, Quan dived into the study of GAIMS lessons after constructing his music theory basis from Berklee core music courses. There, Quan did not only learn music composing and arranging techniques, but also a deep understanding of interactive methods of scoring that are built into video games.

Quan believes that, to create a wonderful piece of video game scoring, a musician's mind is not enough, it is also necessary to stand in the position of a player, so that the one can really see how interactivity in video game music can accomplish the immersive environment. To do this, both great writing skills and interactive knowledge are required. After all these studying at Berklee, Quan is now seeking to utilize his skills in grounded projects, to create immersive experiences for all the video game fans like him.

A black and white photograph of an open music book on a stand in a dimly lit room. The background is blurred but shows some wall posters and frames. The focus is on the sheet music, highlighting musical notes and classical arrangements.
A black and white photograph of an open music book on a stand in a dimly lit room. The background is blurred but shows some wall posters and frames. The focus is on the sheet music, highlighting musical notes and classical arrangements.